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Currently this file contains 2 functions for the optional external I2C EEPROM:
- KIR_enable_eeprom - which turns on power to the I2C EEPROM
- KIR_disable_eeprom - which turns off power to the I2C EEPROM
All of the I2C address pins are grounded (set to 0)
Due to the nature of EEPROMs, their varying capacity and varying page sizes - we have not included example code for reading and writing to this external I2C EEPROM. However, the Arduino ecosystem has numerous libraries and examples of how to read and write to I2C eeproms. You just need to ensure that you enable the EEPROM before read/write access and disable it before going to sleep.
You are free to use any storage configration in your EEPROM. However, we usually allocate storage to signal in multiples of the EEPROM's page size to avoid excesive write cycles. Yo ucan use the EEPROM to store the RAW signals or just the HEX value along with a protocol identifier. It may also be helpful to store the carrier frequency as well.
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