AnalysIR submitting a set of IR signals for AC units

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Here you can find the instructions for submitting a set of signals to use for adding support in AnalysIR.

Steps for AIR Conditioner signal or similar:

  1. In AnalysIR record a full set of signals
  2. When recording, keep the remote about 1->2m away from the receiver and point directly at it.
  3. Include temperatures from 16degC to 30degC, in order. (or equivalent in degF)
  4. Include ON & OFF signals
  5. Make sure to record a description of the signal in the button column of History as you record each signal. (e.g. 16C)
  6. It is important to change only 1 setting between each signal recorded
  7. Include any additional signals you think might be useful.
  8. Do not 'clean' the signals before sending (unless requested to)
  9. Save the session via Menu->File->Save Session and email the file to us (or use the Contact us link on the wiki or website)
  10. We will examine your signals and add support for them into AnalysIR.
  11. We will then email an updated AnalysIR.ini file to you. Follow the Instructions here: AnalysIR updating config file

Steps for non-AC signals:

  1. Follow the steps above
  2. ...and just record a set of signal that represent a reasonable set of the signals available.
  3. Make sure to identify each signal in the button column of history.
  4. Do not 'clean' the signals before sending (unless requested to)
  5. Save & send the signals as above.

Finally, make sure to include the make & model # of the device being controlled, the remote control and the equipment used to record the signals. (For AnalysIR supplied tools include only the name)